Monday 5 January 2009

MONDAY 5th January - 28 weeks to go

Miles last week 65 (65 road, 0 indoors)
Total miles (this year/last year): 263 (+200)
Climbing 2,800ft (850m)
Weight (delta week, delta year) : 15st 3.0lbs (-0.0 lbs, -7lbs)
Body fat : 25% (-0%)
Tantia body type 2 (obese)

Week after Christmas split between London and Hampshire. Ride out with Paul to Richmond where we did the obligatory three laps, feeling sluggish but Paul going like a whippet particularly up the hills. A disappointing 1hr 9mins or thereabouts, but a reasonable de-brief in the boardroom. Then an attempt to cycle to Hampshire from London... as I cycled along the Bayswater Road I realised I'd made two mistakes - first, it takes three not two hours to do and secondly I left later than I intended, 3.00 which meant it would be dark well before I got home.

As I cycled through Richmond Park the sun was just below the trees and it was getting noticably (even) colder... stopped off at Evans bike shop in Kingston to buy some lights, still deluding myself that it was possible to traverse the surrey hills without dying. Big new shop with only one cashier (three other shop assistants helping customers discuss sprokets) and a queue of five at the till... I waited then the cashier pushed off to deal with a customer. After a few minutes I asked in a loud voice where anyone could take our money... only to be met with a sneer from the assistant/bike enthusiast next to me. If there is one thing that annoys me is retailers not doing the simple things right, so I put my purchases on the counter and flounced out shouting 'In this economic climate you deserve to go bust and all of you loose your jobs if you can't even take money off customers'... I felt good but it was still getting much darker and colder and I had no lights.

Begining to worry, those dark surrye hills were 20 miles or so away... but then I saw a sign to Surbiton and something told me it was on my train line home.... a quick detour and next thing I knew I was on a warm train surrounded by commuters. A few stations on and who should pop into the carriage but Grace...

On Sunday out with Rupert for the usual circuit. Felt unusually sluggish but managed to keep up with him (just!)... on the last few hundred metres was belting along the narrow lane far too fast and hit an ice patch... front of the bike disappeared from under me and I had my first ever crash on a bike. Very un-nerved, Rupert had to help me to my feet, and a bit bashed - shoulder, hips thigh and ankle very sore. Bike a bit twisted, saddle out of true, bar tape ripped and chain off, but otherwise seemed to be OK. Just pleased it was the Bianchi not the lovely carbon Cervelo which may have been a bit more fragile.

Main lesson is to always wear a helmet... the only thing I really remember is hitting my head really hard on the road....

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